Accepting credit card payments is a must if you want to stay competitive in today’s business world. Unfortunately, many smaller companies lack the necessary resources to execute this task properly.
Small business owners may find the high cost of accepting credit cards discouraging. But when a small business starts taking credit cards or any B2B payment solutions, it can attract more clients, increase client retention, and increase sales.
Methods of Paying with Credit Cards
Accepting credit card payments isn’t as simple as making that decision and leaving it at that. Depending on your needs, you can choose from various payment processing methods.
1. Business Banking
Merchant accounts make accepting credit cards easy for brick-and-mortar, online, and mobile businesses. That’s great for omnichannel companies that need flexibility. After the account setup, it’s cheap.
2. Point-of-Sale System
A Point-of-Sale (POS) system is highly recommended if you don’t have an urgent need to accept payments via the internet. It includes a merchant account and the necessary software and hardware to process payments on the spot.
3. Transaction Processor for Mobile Devices
A mobile payment processor is the most efficient choice for businesses that process a low volume of credit card transactions on the go. The new PIN on Glass technology is one of the simplest because it does away with the need for a terminal or keypad to conduct a transaction.
4. To Make a Payment Via the Internet
You won’t need a point-of-sale system or a mobile payment processor if you only conduct business on the web. A secure online payment gateway is what you require. It’s a good option for companies that don’t process any credit card transactions or aren’t in an exceptionally secure field.
Accepting Credit Card Payments In Your Business
Business owners need POS systems. Accepting credit cards requires a merchant account and credit card reader. This account allows credit card payments.
A credit card reader interfaces with your point-of-sale computer to keep track of credit card transactions. Customarily, you can use credit and debit cards with your credit card reader. The credit card reader must accept both swiped and inserted cards from customers.
The transaction’s status will be determined after the customer inserts or swipes their credit card into the terminal. If the buyer doesn’t have enough money left in their account, they won’t be able to make the purchase.
If your credit card is accepted, you can proceed with your purchase. Merchant processing fees are deposited into your account within a few business days.
Methods of Online Credit Card Processing
Using a payment gateway service, you can accept credit card payments from customers shopping from your website.
Your point-of-sale credit card processor is the payment gateway. Customer’s credit card data can be entered from any device with an internet connection. Your online credit card processing system must be safe.
Depending on your financial institution’s policies, you may be able to use the same merchant account for both your brick-and-mortar store and your online sales.
Credit card processing is advantageous for small businesses.
So why do you want to take credit cards?
1. Adds Credibility to Your Company
Customers will feel more at ease making purchases from you if they see prominently displayed the logos of the credit cards you accept. In addition, it demonstrates that your company is a credible concern.
2. Causes a Rise in Revenue
Payment methods other than cash may increase business.
3. Encourages Healthy Competition
Competitors who accept credit cards likely already exist. Don’t make it easy for your customers to go elsewhere.
4. Enhances Customer Experience
However, not all clients prefer to pay with cash. Credit/debit cards, as well as mobile payment options, simplify and expedite the buying process. And it raises the prospect of repeat business.
5. Boosts Money Flow
Electronic processing of credit card transactions expedites payment to the recipient, often by the next business day. If you send out invoices and only accept checks as payment, you may have to wait several days or weeks for payment.
6. Facilitate Accounting and Balance Checking
When all credit card transactions are handled through a single interface, accounting, and reconciliation are streamlined, saving you time and effort come tax season.
7. Facilitates the Conduct of Business On the Internet
Accepting credit cards and other payment methods, such as mobile NFC payments, is crucial to the smooth operation of any online store.
8. Reduces Potential Safety Threats
A small business can avoid the security risks associated with holding large amounts of cash by accepting credit cards. Unlike money, fraudulent credit card charges may be refunded.